Twitter Mac App Character Limit

Welcome to the twitter counter also called character counter for twitter. You will find on this web page a free and easy online tool to calculate the characters and sentences in a text in any language.

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May 24, 2016  Twitter has long carved out its niche in social media as a venue for brief, in-the-moment thoughts constrained to a 140-character limit. But the company announced Tuesday. Dec 09, 2014  T witter’s 140-character limit for tweets is rooted in its origin as a text-based service: SMS messages have a 160-character limit, so tweets were limited to 140 characters, leaving 20 for users. Aug 12, 2015 The 140-character limit has been removed across the Twitter platform, which encompasses the Twitter app for iOS, the Twitter app for Android,, TweetDeck, and Twitter for Mac.

Twitter Character Counter Tools for Free

Twitter Mac App Character Limited

While Twitter has finally listened to our relentless badgering about upgrading the character count in a tweet, many are still apparent in their dissatisfaction because Twitter only allows us 280 more characters. However, unlike the old version, Twitter now does not show you the number of characters left in your unpublished tweets. This makes us not aware of how many more characters are left. This could ruin your special thread. But don’t worry for that’s when Twitter character counter tool comes to the rescue!


Character and word limits are common problems on the internet. More often than not, the only information any individual needs to know about their writing is the number of word or character count in their text. With the help of character counter tools, you can get the needed information at a lightning fast speed.

Granted, Twitter is the most known social media platform which has a long-standing problem with character limit, but this particular problem doesn’t just exist on Twitter. Now you have that 280 characters limit for Twitter up from 140 characters, the 250 character limit for Snapchat, 300 for Reddit and 2,200 for Instagram.


That’s why, Twitter character counter tools really come in handy for they work like a calculator in which they will display word and character count in a text.

How to Use Them?

Twitter App For Mac


Mac Applications

Letter Count and Character Counter are some of the great and 100% working character counter online web tools that are available for free. Support software for windows 7 on mac. These free online calculator will count the number of letters or characters in your twee, text, Reddit titles, etc. It definitely will prove to be useful for your tweeting needs along with a multitude of other applications. Remember that, number of actual characters do matter despite the fact what you may say may not be as important as how you say it.

App For Mac

Both tools work in a pretty straightforward manner too in which you only need to paste the desired text and they will automatically show you the results you are looking for. These web tools can be useful in many instances, but it will especially prove its convenience when you’re writing for something that has a certain character minimum or limit.

Twitter Mac App Character Limits

These tools Twitter character counter tools can also be helpful for those writing in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Greek and many other non-English languages. You can fool around with different font or spacing but knowing the number you’re trying to fit on the page is always important.